Il segreto del cambiamento è nel focalizzare tutta la tua energia, NON nel combattere il vecchio, ma nel costruire il nuovo.
venerdì 27 luglio 2012
Motori di ricerca e Social Media Marketing, due mondi che si incrociano sempre di più
L'inbound marketing è al centro di una interessante evoluzione. Storicamente, la ricerca (search) è stata una delle principali fonti di traffico e contatti per le aziende che sfruttano il marketing online. La ricerca, e i motori di ricerca, sono ancora una fonte enorme di potenziali clienti, ma lentamente, i social media stanno progressivamente aumentando in importanza come piattaforma di marketing. La distinzione importante da fare è che la ricerca e il sociale non sono le forze in competizione. Invece, questi due aspetti dell'inbound marketing possono lavorare insieme per amplificare i risultati l'uno dell'altro.
Risolvere lo stesso problema
La chiave per comprendere che ricerca e social media marketing devono lavorare insieme è quello di pensare al problema che devono risolvere entrambi ovvero la scoperta di informazioni. Le persone usano Google per trovare una risposta a una domanda. Altre persone usano i social media per scoprire le risposte alle domande che non hanno ancora pensato. Tuttavia, le differenze tra i motori di ricerca e le piattaforme di social media tendono a ridursi sempre di più. Per esempio, Facebook fa della ricerca in rete una delle sue caratteristiche principali. Dall'altra parte, Google ha profili e +1 in uno sforzo per essere più social. In ambito marketing, come si possono integrare i nostri sforzi in entrambe le piattaforme?
Qui di seguito sette suggerimenti per iniziare ad integrare al meglio i due mondi e renderli sempre più compatibili e vicini.
7 Ways to Integrate Search Engine and Social Media Marketing
1. Social Sharing Buttons on Your Website - It may seem simple, but search engines like Google are starting to use social media sharing data to influence search rankings. As a marketer, it is critically important to have social media sharing buttons on your blog and website to encourage visitors to share content in social media. These buttons will not only help to increase traffic from social media but will also play an important role today and in the future for ranking positions in search engines.
2. Integrated Keyword Strategy - As I mentioned earlier, the line between search engines and social media platforms is blurring. Take the keyword strategy you are using for your website and apply it to your social media engagement when appropriate. This doesn't mean cramming tweets full of keywords. Instead, be aware of how you are wording social media messages. By incorporating keywords into social media content, you can increase the reach of your messages.
3. Include Links in Social Profiles - The links in social media messages such as tweets and Facebook status updates are traditionally no-follow links. This means they don't pass any SEO authority to the site they're linking to. While this is starting to change, it is important to understand that the URL in the actual bio of a social media accountis a follow link. Keep this in mind, and make sure you are taking advantage of these extra links.
4. Incorporate Links Into Video and Presentation Content - Some of the most powerful social media platforms are those that facilitate content sharing, such as YouTube for video and SlideShare for presentations. When sharing content on these types of networks, be sure to share links to related blog posts or other content on your website. Yes, this will increase traffic to your website, but it will also help build new inbound links. When someone writes a blog post about your content, it is likely they will also include a link from the presentation, simply because it is the "easy" thing to do.
5. Optimize Social Profiles - Think of social media profile pages as extensions of your website. In the same way that you would optimize website pages for page titles and keywords, audit your social media profiles to ensure they mirror the search engine optimization strategy of your website.
6. Build Links and Social Media Reach - Search engine optimization has long been about inbound links to your website. While inbound links are still really important, a secondary metric for marketers looking to increase search traffic should be social media reach. As we talked about earlier, social media data is becoming a factor in search engine rankings. In order to get more people to share your content in social media, you need to increase the number of fans or followers of your account. By doing this through quality content creation and engagement, you will not only build social media reach but also inbound links.
7. Establish New Relationships - The web is now a social communications channel. Similar to sales, relationships are huge for driving inbound links and social media attention. Building relationships using social media can open opportunities for guest blog posts and other link-building opportunities.
What other tips would you add to this list?
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Fonte: HubSpot's Inbound Internet Marketing Blog
Photo Credit: Jeffrey Beall
link building,
social media
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