sabato 28 maggio 2011

Quanto i fan su Facebook influiscono nella generazione di contatti

Questa ricerca è stata effettuata utilizzando i contatti di Hubspot Blog. Dopo aver letto l'articolo vi consiglio di leggere anche i commenti, interessanti e anche critici, per provare a sviluppare un dibattito al riguardo anche da noi. Se poi volete postare commenti direttamente su Hubspot Blog meglio ancora. Buona lettura.

How Facebook Factors Into Lead Generation [Data]

The results are in! HubSpot's latest research takes a look at real data from 4,000 businesses -- all HubSpot customers -- and reveals how they successfully generate traffic and leads.
One of the factors included in the study is Facebook reach. The report contains graphs showing the relationship between businesses' Facebook reach and how it correlates with traffic and lead flow. The data shows that:
  • Businesses with 501 to 1,000 Facebook fans generated 4 times more leads than those with 1 to 25 fans.
  • Businesses with over 1,000 Facebook fans generated 12 times more leads.
  • B2B businesses with over 1,000 Facebook fans received 6.5 times more leads than those with 1 to 25 fans.
  • B2C business with over 1,000 Facebook fans received 16 times more leads than those with 1 to 25 fans.
Facebook v. Leads
Whether your company conducts business-to-business or business-to-consumer transactions, the data indicates that maintaining a strong presence on Facebook will help you generate traffic and leads online.
For more information about how social media, blogging, and website content correlate with traffic and leads, download the free ebook, "Lead Generation Lessons from 4,000 Businesses."
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