Questo articolo vi permetterà di iniziare a pianificare in modo proficuo le prossime campagne di marketing.
Steps to a Great Marketing Plan
Marketing plans are for VP’s of corporations, too many small business owners think – falsely believing a business card, brochure, website and Social Media are the only marketing tools they require. If your marketing efforts are shot-in-the-dark risks rather than profitable investments, you might want to reconsider creating a solid marketing plan – even if it’s a few points scribbled on a sheet of paper! Here are the steps:
Step 1: State Your Business Purpose – start with a summary of your purpose. For example – I empower entrepreneurs, professionals and book authors by providing them effective, efficient, affordable, marketing/PR advice and solutions to match their schedules, budgets and circumstances. I give them the BIG AGENCY feeling without the BIG AGENCY price – so they don’t have to face their marketing/PR problems alone and can take their businesses up a level!
Step 2: Define Your Market Situation – What challenges, transformations and opportunities are you enduring in relation to your client’s? Will these changes affect their purchasing power?? How much direct & indirect competition do you have vying for your clients’ dollars?? Are they initiating programs to threaten your business or closing and leaving you with a void to fill? What seasonal and economic changes influence your business? What physical adjustments (building renovations or roadwork) are reducing accessibility and parking? Are there any regional, local or industry events to capitalize on?
Step 3: Set Goals and Objectives – What’s your goal – to land 3 more clients, participate in a trade show, incorporate social media, give a talk, host a special event, obtain media coverage or join a networking group? Whatever marketing measure you implement to increase revenue, arriving at your destination and achieving success, begins with knowing where you’re headed and how to get there. Write your goals down and stick to them. Each time a new option arises, ask yourself…Will this bring me closer to my goal or take me off my path? If so, pass on it.
Step 4: Define Your Target Profile – in terms of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity, martial status, income, education, household and location. Include their attitudes, behavioural patterns, spending habits, beliefs, values, hobbies and interests. What do they do on weekends? Do they read books, newspapers, journals or magazines? Watch TV, listen to radio or both? How often are they online?? Are they Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn users?
This information with help you:
- Develop appealing marketing tactics & remain in contact
- Create PR & advertising messages that align your unique approach, interests and emotions with existing and prospective customers
- Select effective communication vehicles
- Weigh media sales pitches & placements
- Project a unified image that reinforces your position, brand & creative strategy
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