lunedì 13 giugno 2011

Contenuti, Community & Commercio, le 3 C che governano il Social Media Marketing

I social media hanno fatto presa su Internet nel corso degli ultimi anni. Il web ha dato alla gente un modo per rimanere in contatto con amici e familiari, ma ha anche dato ai manager delle piccole imprese l'opportunità di "fare rete" in modo strategico e individuare e sollecitare la loro nicchia di clienti specifica. Il corretto utilizzo delle "3 C" ci può aiutare ad ottimizzare ancora meglio i nostri messaggi e fidelizzare i nostri utenti. Buona lettura.

3 C’s of Social Media Marketing: Content, Community & Commerce

describe the imageThis is a guest blog post written by Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady. As host of #SmallBizChat, Melinda also publishes the resource blog, and is the author of the national bestseller, Become Your Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works.
Social media has taken over the internet over the past few years. While it has given people a way to stay connected to friends and family members, it has also given small business owners the opportunity to network strategically and target their specific niche. In order to make the most of your social media marketing activities, it is crucial to make note of the three C’s of social media: content, community, and commerce.


The first C to implement in your social media marketing efforts is content. The currency in social media is value, and that value is created by producing and sharing valuable content. There are lots of ways to create content: You can write blog posts or ebooks, produce audio interviews or podcasts, or offer webinars or short videos, to name a few.
There is no point in using social media to drive traffic to your company's website if you have nothing new to offer when they get there. Producing fresh content on a regular basis will keep people coming back for more.
Blogging can be a great way to maintain a regular flow of fresh content. If you're just starting out, here are some useful tips when it comes to launching a blog.
  • Set up an editorial calendar for your blog to help manage your schedule.
  • Get into the habit of writing a few posts per week at least three months before your blog goes live. This will result in an archive of blog content you can use to start off with a bang.
  • Launch your blog with at least 10 articles already posted rather than one lonely post. This will give your readers a taste of your blog's flavor and what it's all about. [...]
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Fonte: Melinda F. Emerson via Jeanne Hopkins per Hubspot Blog

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